The Price of olive oil reached a record high today of 45 sesterces an amphora. Even this exorbitant price has failed to slow the export trade:
No less than 267 amphora of this liquid gold are making their way to Africa. It's a good thing those perfidious Carthaginians are no more!
Our ancestors fought the Punic wars just so our products could flow unimpeded to places like Africa.
A job well done - as Cato so often said: "Carthago delenda est!"
Pompeii TAFE Victim of Previous Govt: Backus
The much anticipated Battle of the Teachers in the Amphitheatre tonight is all a result of mistakes by the previous Senate.
So says the Senator for Education, Backus Upus, visiting Pompeii to watch the event
"They left us with a budget emergency," Backus said, speaking between courses at Trimalchio's party, "so what could we do?
But if it works here, we'll try it everywhere."
Visit Asellina’s Thermopelium for fast, hot food and wine.
Open daily from 8am to midnight.
Tradgedy Strikes
(and some sailors were lost too)
A shipload of our unique and prized redware pots shipped to Britain 3 months ago are reported to
have been lost during a storm at sea.
No expensive dinner parties at the Seppunius household this season!
Potters are said to be working overtime to replace the consignment.
Some seers predict that the auspices for the next journey are favourable.
But the seer community is split on this issue, with some taking a different view of the omens altogether.
...continued from "Shipwreck disaster"...
"What about the swarm of bees?" one seer (who asked to remain namless) said, "everyone knows it's a bad sign, and there's the bees, swarming outside that pottery".
"And the wolf," another added, "that stole the soldier's sword only a few days before this news arrived..."
Messages have been sent to Rome so the Sibilline Books can be consulted.
Urine required for Fullonica Stephanus
Jars at front door
Feel Free
What the stink was all about
Garam creates stink in marcellum
A fight broke out yesterday over accusations that the fish sauce sold to
locals is inferior to export quality.
D. Aquilinus is accused of cutting corners with inferior fish fermented
too quickly. Aquilinus, interviewed while soaking at the baths with friends, defended his techniques saying
that they produced a more readily available, cost-effective product.
Visit the lupanar (centrally located between the Forum and the Stabian baths):